
why so serious

yeahh selamat!
besok gue ada gladi kotor dan yeah, itu tidak membuat gue tertarik sama sekali -_-


badut badut dan badut.

Entah kenapa ya gue baru nyadar kalo gue dari dulu suka takut sama badut.

tapi gue penasaran sama badut. kenapa dia mesti dimake-up putih, kenapa bibirnya meraaaaah banget, kenapa dia mau make baju yang superkonyol dan diisengin dan gak ada jawabannya dari dulu.

for example ya, kalo gue nonton happy tree friends gue suka sama karakter yang berpakaian mime gitu, gue suka charlie chaplin, dulu gue manggil orang yang gue sayang pake panggilan "om badut", dan sekarang gue suka sama Joker yang notabene sebagai prince clown -_- what else?

padahal gue kalo ketemuan sama badut asli tuh ya TAKUT SETENGAH MATI.
gue takuuuut bakal diapa-apain sama tu badut, gue soalnya berpikiran badut itu stress soalnya sering dikatain sama anak2, diisengin yg kurang ajar, dianggap rendahan.

kasian gue..

tapi gak gitu juga sih pastinya, mungkin ada badut yang kayak gini, "OKE GUE BAKAL JADI BADUT DEMI MEMBAHAGIAKAN HATI ANAK KECIL YANG IMYUT DAN LUCU INII"

tapi bukan untuk gue, gue benci anak kecil.
setiap gue ngeliat anak kecil bawaannya pasti serem atau gak gimanaaaaa gt.
gue selalu diisengin ama anak kecil. diinjek lah, disundul lah, diliatin lah, dikatain lah. aaaaah pokoknya disturbing banget.
badut itu gak lucu, tp konyol! dan kenapa orang2 seneng sama badut? orangtua demen bgt nyuruh anaknye gini, "ayo dek salaman sama om badut"
buset berasa jumpa fans.
aduh knp gue selalu ada simpati sama BADUT sih?!


yes hari ini gue gak masukk, haha kemaren malem tiba2 badan gue baweeel banget terutama kaki. abis itu saking sakitnya gue sampe nangis, yaudah lah gue gak masuk.
tapi gak enak dah gue dituduh sakit dbd lah, FLU BABI lah. omg amit2 dehh. -_- kayaknya gue tau darimana gen khawatir-terlalu-berlebihan-terhadap-penyakit-yang-didapat. -_-
gue gak bakal cocok jadi dokter. misalnya kalo ada pasien yang mengeluh tenggorokannya sakit, mungkin gue udah bakal teriak2 minta tu pasien dibawa ke ugd karena gue kira udah mengidap penyakit yang paraaaaaaah banget dan gue gak mau ketularan.
itulah gue, ngelliat keluarga gue sakit aja reaksi pertama gue pasti gini, "UDAH BAWA KE DOKTER AJA. NTAR MAKIN PARAH SIAPA YANG (MAU) NGURUSIN?!"
sementara penyakit itu bakal menghilang dengan perlahan cuma dengan 1 tablet obat yang dijuat di toko2, dan cukup tidur -_-

udah ah gak penting hahahaha. sebenarnya gue ngepost gara2 gue lagi nunggu file attachment yang lagi diupload. omg lama sekali ya ngomong2 -_-


heyy aduh gue bete banget deh udah koneksi internet dial up yang notabene sudah hello-you-are-so-full-of-wasted-shit-from-dino-perioooooodddd abis itu mana pake kabelnya putus. karena gue gak mau ngadu ke bokap yaudah gue sambungin sendiri dengan akal dan iman seorang manusia nekat -_-

aduh gue capek abis ngerjain segala macem pekerjaan babubabu abis itu ngerjain powerpoint abis itu ngirim email ke pasha uwaaaaaah rasanya gue seperti orang yang amat sangat sibuk.


abis itu udah mana dibantu dengan kabel dialup yang suka putus nyambung ini oh may.
di depan gue udah ada dvd the dark knight, daritadi gue pengen nonton.

begini siklusnya :

liat - pegang - buka plastik - diem - liat - taro lagi.

nyeh gue pengen nonton tapi maleees lebih baik gue menyelesaikan apa yang harus gue selesaikan seperti menulis blog ini (emang penting ya? haha)

argh kayaknya penuh dengan keluhan ya -_- gue juga males sebenernya mengeluh, cuma nambah tua! WUEEGGG mendingan seneng. tapi apa daya, bukan salah bunda mengandung badan gue udah mau remuk ditiban pr dan tugas -_-

aduh besok hari selasa hari yang paling llamaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa banget pulangnya jam setengah empat (oh 21 tercintaaaaaaa anda senang sekallli ya pulang sore) wish me luck semoga besok lancar lancar saja

ps : i love joker. i hate him!

oh iya pengen gue tambahin deh.

click here :)

buat nambah pengetahuan film kok :)



ah gue lagi suka banget nih sama joker. entah kenapa ya setiap gue ngeliat dia dan setiap gue ngedenger dialog yang dia ucapkan itu selalu ada inspirasi. rada aneh sih emang tapi gimana ya? setiap perkataan dia itu kayak perkataan seorang filsuf gila! mungkin emang itu karakter dia, psikopat, pengidap skizofrenia yang jenius.
tapi jangan takut ya sama gue mentang2 gue suka sama joker. soalnya nyokap ama kk gue udah gimanaaaa gitu kalo gue ngebahas joker -_- takut gue kayak heath ledger kali ya, amit2 deeeh -_-
gue juga pengen bikin kaos tentang dia, man beda banget ya dulu gue suka sama karakter yang baik2 sekarang sukanya sama the sickest villain. haha.

tapi kalo gue ngeliat gambar ini :

kenapa gue jadi inget my chemical romance ya? -_-

nah, skip that.
oh iya, gue pengen cerita tentang heath ledger.

wajar aja dia meninggal, dia telah melewati batas dalam mendalami perannya sebagai joker. menurut gue joker itu punya jiwa sendiri. dia kayak some kind of terlalu mendalami jadinya jiwanya gak tenang, so dia membutuhkan sort of prescription drugs. tapi kata artikel yang gue baca, dia bilang semuanya gak membantu dia.
bayangkan ya cuma tidur rata2 2 jam sehari, terus meskipun dia lagi istirahat pikiran dia kemana2. gimana gak overdosis coba? aduh sayang sekali, dia meninggal sebagai joker mungkin karena seumur hidupnya dia akan tetap menjadi joker (dalam konotasi positif ya) :(

wow! no wonder joker di the dark knight beda banget sama joker yang diperankan sama jack nicholson
ini dia gambarnya :

dan ini review dari :

Consensus: Dark, complex and unforgettable, The Dark Knight succeeds not just as an entertaining comic book film, but as a richly thrilling crime saga.

You come away impressed, oppressed, provoked, and beaten down, holding on to Ledger's squirrelly incandescence as a beacon in the darkness.

termasuk fresh! awwawww

and this is the list of "100 Greatest Villains Of All Time"
from Wizard's Magazine :

100. Mr. Joshua(Lethal Weapon)
99. Beholder(D&D)
98. The Others(Lost)
97. Francis Buxton(Pee Wee's Big Adventure)
96. Sephiroth(FF7)
95. Stewie Griffin(Family Guy)
94. Braniac(Superman the animated series)
93. Norman Bates(Psycho)
92. Dean Wormer(Animal House)
91. Auric Goldfinger(Goldfinger)
90. The Gentlemen(Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
89. Bill Lumberg(Office Space)
88. Frank Booth(Blue Velvet)
87. Endo(Lethal Weapon)
86. Mr. Blonde(Reservoir Dogs)
85. Col. Kurtz(Apocalypse Now)
84. Deathstroke(DC comics)
83. The French taunter(Monty Python and the Search for the Holy Grail)
82. Luther(Tha Warriors)
81. Angel Eyes(The Good and the Bad and the Ugly)
80. Clubber Lang(Rocky 3)
79. Cancer Man(X-files)
78. R.J. Fletcher(UHF)
77. The Flood(Halo, combat evolved)
76. The Socs(The Outsiders)
75. Big Brother(1984)
74. Herr Starr(DC vertigo)
73. Biff Tannen(Back to the Future)
72. Tony Montana(Scarface)
71. Walter Peck(Ghostbusters)
70. The Balrog(LOTR, fellowship)
69. J.R. Ewing(Dallas)
68. Megatron(Transformers)
67. Venom(Marvel comics)
66. Sideshow Bob(The Simpsons)
65. Kevin(Sin City)
64. Syndrome(The Incredibles)
63. Samara(The Ring)
62. Gollum(LOTR, Return of the King)
61. Johnny Lawrence(Karate Kid)
60. Judge Doom(Who Framed Roger Rabbit)
59. Bob(Twin Peaks)
58. General Zod(Superman 2)
57. Principal Ed Rooney(Ferris Bueller's Day Off)
56. John Doe(Seven)
55. The Overlook Hotel(The Shining)
54. Leatherface(Texas Chainsaw Massacre)
53. Cobra Commander(G.I. JOE)
52. Kid Miracleman(Eclipse comics)
51. Catwoman(DC comics)
50. Max Cady(Cape Fear)
49. Amanda Woodward(Melrose Place)
48. Iago(Othello)
47. Bill the Butcher(Gangs of New York)
46. Starcream(Transformers)
45. Mr. Burns(The Simpsons)
44. Godzilla(Gojira 1954)
43. Serpentor(G.I.JOE)
42. Keyser Soze(The Usual Suspects)
41. Hal 9000(2001 A Space Odyssey)
40. Buu(Dragonball Z)
39. Michael Corleone(The Godfather part 2)
38. Dark Phoenix(Marvel)
37. Predator(Predator)
36. Alex Delarge(A Clockwork Orange)
35. Roddy Piper(WWE)
34. Mayor Richard Wilkins(Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
33. Tony Soprano(The Sopranos)
32. Hans Gruber(Die Hard)
31. Grand Moff Tarkin(Star Wars)
30. Dracula(Movie with title not appearing on this site)
29. T-1000(Terminator 2)
28. Jabba the Hut(Return of the Jedi)
27. Hillbillies(Deliverance)
26. Jason Vorhees(Friday the 13th)
25. Ozymandias(DC)
24. Agent Smith(The Matrix)
23. Darkseid(DC)
22. Thanos(Marvel)
21. Red Skull(Marvel)
20. Khan(Star Trek 2, the wrath of Khan)
19. Green Goblin(Marvel)
18. Galactus(Marvel)
17. Magneto(Marvel)
16. The Thing(John Carpenter's the Thing)
15. Pennywise(IT)
14. Freddy Krueger(Nightmare on Elm Street)
13. Aliens(Aliens)
12. Sauron(LOTR)
11. Darth Vader(Star Wars)
10. The Shark(JAWS)
9. Pinhead(Hellraiser)
8. Lex Luthor(DC)
7. The Borg(Star Trek, TNG)
6. Hannibal Lector(Silence of the Lambs)
5. Zombies(Dawn of the Dead 2004)
4. Dr. Doom(Marvel)
3. Palpatine(Star Wars)
2. Pazuzu(The Exorcist)
1. The Joker(DC)

guess what, joker's number one, creepy -_-

joker di the dark knight termasuk a brilliant masterpice! we want more, of course :)


ah gue lagi suka banget nih sama joker. entah kenapa ya setiap gue ngeliat dia dan setiap gue ngedenger dialog yang dia ucapkan itu selalu ada inspirasi. rada aneh sih emang tapi gimana ya? setiap perkataan dia itu kayak perkataan seorang filsuf gila! mungkin emang itu karakter dia, psikopat, pengidap skizofrenia yang jenius.
tapi jangan takut ya sama gue mentang2 gue suka sama joker. soalnya nyokap ama kk gue udah gimanaaaa gitu kalo gue ngebahas joker -_- takut gue kayak heath ledger kali ya, amit2 deeeh -_-
gue juga pengen bikin kaos tentang dia, man beda banget ya dulu gue suka sama karakter yang baik2 sekarang sukanya sama the sickest villain. haha.

tapi kalo gue ngeliat gambar ini :

kenapa gue jadi inget my chemical romance ya? -_-

nah, skip that.
oh iya, gue pengen cerita tentang heath ledger.

wajar aja dia meninggal, dia telah melewati batas dalam mendalami perannya sebagai joker. menurut gue joker itu punya jiwa sendiri. dia kayak some kind of terlalu mendalami jadinya jiwanya gak tenang, so dia membutuhkan sort of prescription drugs. tapi kata artikel yang gue baca, dia bilang semuanya gak membantu dia.
bayangkan ya cuma tidur rata2 2 jam sehari, terus meskipun dia lagi istirahat pikiran dia kemana2. gimana gak overdosis coba? aduh sayang sekali, dia meninggal sebagai joker mungkin karena seumur hidupnya dia akan tetap menjadi joker (dalam konotasi positif ya) :(

wow! no wonder joker di the dark knight beda banget sama joker yang diperankan sama jack nicholson
ini dia gambarnya :

dan ini review dari :

Consensus: Dark, complex and unforgettable, The Dark Knight succeeds not just as an entertaining comic book film, but as a richly thrilling crime saga.

You come away impressed, oppressed, provoked, and beaten down, holding on to Ledger's squirrelly incandescence as a beacon in the darkness.

termasuk fresh! awwawww

and this is the list of "100 Greatest Villains Of All Time"
from Wizard's Magazine :

100. Mr. Joshua(Lethal Weapon)
99. Beholder(D&D)
98. The Others(Lost)
97. Francis Buxton(Pee Wee's Big Adventure)
96. Sephiroth(FF7)
95. Stewie Griffin(Family Guy)
94. Braniac(Superman the animated series)
93. Norman Bates(Psycho)
92. Dean Wormer(Animal House)
91. Auric Goldfinger(Goldfinger)
90. The Gentlemen(Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
89. Bill Lumberg(Office Space)
88. Frank Booth(Blue Velvet)
87. Endo(Lethal Weapon)
86. Mr. Blonde(Reservoir Dogs)
85. Col. Kurtz(Apocalypse Now)
84. Deathstroke(DC comics)
83. The French taunter(Monty Python and the Search for the Holy Grail)
82. Luther(Tha Warriors)
81. Angel Eyes(The Good and the Bad and the Ugly)
80. Clubber Lang(Rocky 3)
79. Cancer Man(X-files)
78. R.J. Fletcher(UHF)
77. The Flood(Halo, combat evolved)
76. The Socs(The Outsiders)
75. Big Brother(1984)
74. Herr Starr(DC vertigo)
73. Biff Tannen(Back to the Future)
72. Tony Montana(Scarface)
71. Walter Peck(Ghostbusters)
70. The Balrog(LOTR, fellowship)
69. J.R. Ewing(Dallas)
68. Megatron(Transformers)
67. Venom(Marvel comics)
66. Sideshow Bob(The Simpsons)
65. Kevin(Sin City)
64. Syndrome(The Incredibles)
63. Samara(The Ring)
62. Gollum(LOTR, Return of the King)
61. Johnny Lawrence(Karate Kid)
60. Judge Doom(Who Framed Roger Rabbit)
59. Bob(Twin Peaks)
58. General Zod(Superman 2)
57. Principal Ed Rooney(Ferris Bueller's Day Off)
56. John Doe(Seven)
55. The Overlook Hotel(The Shining)
54. Leatherface(Texas Chainsaw Massacre)
53. Cobra Commander(G.I. JOE)
52. Kid Miracleman(Eclipse comics)
51. Catwoman(DC comics)
50. Max Cady(Cape Fear)
49. Amanda Woodward(Melrose Place)
48. Iago(Othello)
47. Bill the Butcher(Gangs of New York)
46. Starcream(Transformers)
45. Mr. Burns(The Simpsons)
44. Godzilla(Gojira 1954)
43. Serpentor(G.I.JOE)
42. Keyser Soze(The Usual Suspects)
41. Hal 9000(2001 A Space Odyssey)
40. Buu(Dragonball Z)
39. Michael Corleone(The Godfather part 2)
38. Dark Phoenix(Marvel)
37. Predator(Predator)
36. Alex Delarge(A Clockwork Orange)
35. Roddy Piper(WWE)
34. Mayor Richard Wilkins(Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
33. Tony Soprano(The Sopranos)
32. Hans Gruber(Die Hard)
31. Grand Moff Tarkin(Star Wars)
30. Dracula(Movie with title not appearing on this site)
29. T-1000(Terminator 2)
28. Jabba the Hut(Return of the Jedi)
27. Hillbillies(Deliverance)
26. Jason Vorhees(Friday the 13th)
25. Ozymandias(DC)
24. Agent Smith(The Matrix)
23. Darkseid(DC)
22. Thanos(Marvel)
21. Red Skull(Marvel)
20. Khan(Star Trek 2, the wrath of Khan)
19. Green Goblin(Marvel)
18. Galactus(Marvel)
17. Magneto(Marvel)
16. The Thing(John Carpenter's the Thing)
15. Pennywise(IT)
14. Freddy Krueger(Nightmare on Elm Street)
13. Aliens(Aliens)
12. Sauron(LOTR)
11. Darth Vader(Star Wars)
10. The Shark(JAWS)
9. Pinhead(Hellraiser)
8. Lex Luthor(DC)
7. The Borg(Star Trek, TNG)
6. Hannibal Lector(Silence of the Lambs)
5. Zombies(Dawn of the Dead 2004)
4. Dr. Doom(Marvel)
3. Palpatine(Star Wars)
2. Pazuzu(The Exorcist)
1. The Joker(DC)

guess what, joker's number one, creepy -_-

joker di the dark knight termasuk a brilliant masterpice! we want more, of course :)


DAVID USHER LYRICS - Black Black Heart

"Black Black Heart"

Something ugly this way comes
Through my fingers sliding inside
All these blessings all these burns
I'm godless underneath your cover
Search for pleasure search for pain
In this world now I am undying
I unfurl my flag my nation helpless

Black black heart why would you offer more
Why would you make it easier on me to satisfy
I'm on fire I'm rotting to the core
I'm eating all your kings and queens
All your sex and your diamonds

As I begin to lose my grip
On these realities your sending
Taste your mind and taste your sex
I'm naked underneath your cover
Covers lie and we will bend and borrow
With the coming sign
The tide will take the sea will rise and time will rape

Black black heart why would you offer more
Why would you make it easier on me to satisfy
I'm on fire I'm rotting to the core
I'm eating all your kings and queens
All your sex and your diamonds

Black black heart why would you offer more
Why would you make it easier on me to satisfy
I'm on fire I'm rotting to the core
I'm eating all your kings and queens
All your sex and your diamonds
All your sex and your diamonds
All your sex and your diamonds
All your sex and your diamonds
All your sex and your diamonds


Hakuna Matata

Hakuna Matata! What a wonderful phrase

Hakuna Matata! Ain't no passing craze

It means no worries for the rest of your days
It's our problem-free philosophy
Hakuna Matata!

Hakuna Matata?

Yeah. It's our motto!

What's a motto?

Nothing. What's a-motto with you?

Those two words will solve all your problems

That's right. Take Pumbaa here
Why, when he was a young warthog...

When I was a young wart hog

Very nice


He found his aroma lacked a certain appeal
He could clear the savannah after every meal

I'm a sensitive soul though I seem thick-skinned
And it hurt that my friends never stood downwind Both:
And oh, the shame He was ashamed
Thought of changin' my name What's in a name?
And I got downhearted How did ya feel?
Everytime that I...

Hey! Pumbaa! Not in front of the kids!

Oh. Sorry

Hakuna Matata! What a wonderful phrase
Hakuna Matata! Ain't no passing craze

It means no worries for the rest of your days

It's our problem-free philosophy
Hakuna Matata!
Hakuna Matata! Hakuna matata!
Hakuna Matata! Hakuna matata!
Hakuna Matata! Hakuna matata!
Hakuna Matata! Hakuna--

It means no worries for the rest of your days

It's our problem-free philosophy
Hakuna Matata!
It's our problem-free philosophy
Hakuna Matata!

I say "Hakuna"

I say "Matata"

Yeahhhhh i like this song since i was in elementary school :D
but i can't find the mp3 :'(


ini list lagu yang bikin gue langsung senyum-senyum dari dulu sampe sekarang, enjoy it yaaa
ah palingan banyak yang tau -_- ehe


1. adhitia sofyan - adelaide sky

2. claude debussy - claire de lune

3. the sims - build mode

4. kings of convenience - i'd rather dance with you

5. sioen - cruisin'

6. beyonce - halo

7. jason mraz - you & i both

8. john legend - good morning

9. maroon 5 - sunday morning

10. keane - crystal ball

11. coldplay - viva la vida

12. five for fighting - dying

13. the script - the man who can't be moved

kalo diliat-liat gue demen yang lagunya slow, dan slow-beated serta lagunya itu lembut ya (haha pede abis)


heartbreak.jpg (JPEG Image, 292x286 pixels)

aaaa baru gue sadari kalo gue bukanlah yang terbaik buat diaa :'(

dia terlalu sempurna buat gue, dia lebih dari segalanya :'(

gue patah hati, dan sedihh.

kapan gue dapet orang yang selalu berada di samping gue dan menenangkan
gue di saat gue lagi membutuhkannya? orang yang lebih dari sekedar
kenalan, teman, maupun sahabat serta keluarga?

oh man, i really need HIM. or someone who really cares about me so much..

meskipun gue masih sayaaaaaaaaaaaaanggggggggggggg sama dia, meskipun gue belom kenal dia, meskipun dia belom kenal gue. ah love at first sight itu bener2 menyusahkan -_-



kenapa gue judulnya cuma ---?
karena gue amat sangat capek
jadi tadi itu gue memutuskan akan berbuat jahat sama semua orang. karena gue mikir gue baik tapi yang adanya ujung-ujungnya gue malaah dijahatin, ckck
yodah gue ngejahatin setiap orang. apa apa gue jutekin, gue diemin.
ehhh semuanya jadi pada bt! njir jadi gak enak gue ahahahaha
pas pulang yodah gue ngaku, it's just a "cruel joke" tapi dalem menurut gue
gue pengen jadi lebih jahat lagi, itu masih kurang!!

karena gue udah capek gue ngebaikin orang eh malah gue dijahatin. buat apa juga? mending orang yang itu dibuang ajadeh.



"Ordinary Day"

Just a day,
Just an ordinary day
.Just trying to get by.
Just a boy,
Just an ordinary boy.
But he was looking to the sky.

And as he asked if I would come along
I started to realize
That everyday he finds
Just what he's looking for,
Like a shooting star he shines.

He said take my hand,
Live while you can
Don't you see your dreams lie right in the palm of your hand
And as he spoke, he spoke ordinary words

Although they did not feel
For I felt what I had not felt before
And you'd swear those words could heal.
And as I looked up into those eyes
His vision borrows mine.
And I know he's no stranger,
For I feel I've held him for all of time.

And he said take my hand,
Live while you can
Don't you see your dreams lie right in the palm of your hand
In the palm of your hand.

Please come with me,
See what I see.
Touch the stars for time will not flee.
Time will not flee.
Can you see?

Just a dream, just an ordinary dream.
As I wake in bed
And the boy, that ordinary boy
Or was it all in my head?
Did he asked if I would come along
It all seemed so real.
But as I looked to the door,
I saw that boy standing there with a deal.

And he said take my hand,
Live while you can,
Don't you see all your dreams lie right in the palm of your hand
In the palm of your hand,
In the palm of your hand.

Just a day, just an ordinary day
Just trying to get by.
Just a boy,
Just an ordinary boy.
But he was looking to the sky.
lagunya top! bikin gue jadi inget sama dia huhuhhuuhuuu

tag tag tag

(bold the ones you've done)
01. Bought everyone in the bar a drink
02. Swam with dolphins
03. Climbed a mountain
04. Taken a Ferrari for a test drive
05. Been inside the Great Pyramid
06. Held a tarantula
07. Taken a candle light bath with someone
08. Said "I love you" and meant it
09. Hugged a tree
10. Bungee jumped
11. Visited Paris
12. Watched a lightning storm at sea
13. Stayed up all night long and saw the sun rise
14. Seen the Northern Lights
15. Gone to a huge sports game
16. Walked the stairs to the top of the leaning Tower of Pisa
17. Grown and eaten your own vegetables
18. Touched an iceberg
19. Slept under the stars
20. Changed a baby's diaper
21. Taken a trip in a hot air balloon
22. Watched a meteor shower
23. Gotten celebration with champagne
24. Given more than you can afford to charity
25. Looked up at the night sky through a telescope
26. Had an uncontrollable giggling fit at the worst possible moment
27. Had a food fight
28. Bet on a winning horse
29. Asked out a stranger
30. Had a snowball fight
31. Screamed as loudly as you possibly can
32. Held a lamb
33. Seen a total eclipse
34. Ridden a roller coaster
35. Hit a home run
36. Danced like a fool and didn't care who was looking
37. Adopted an accent for an entire day
38. Actually felt happy about your life, even for just a moment
39. Had two hard drives for your computer
40. Visited all 50 states
41. Taken care of someone who was drunk
42. Had amazing friends
43. Danced with a stranger in a foreign country
44. Watched whales
45. Stolen a sign
46. Backpacked in Europe
47. Taken a road-trip
48. Gone rock climbing
49. Taken a midnight walk on the beach
50. Gone sky diving
51. Visited Ireland
52. Been heartbroken longer than you were actually in love
53. In a restaurant, sat at a stranger's table and had a meal with them
54. Visited Japan
55. Milked a cow
56. Alphabetized your CDs
57. Pretended to be a superhero
58. Sung karaoke
59. Lounged around in bed all day
60. Played touch football
61. Gone scuba diving
62. Kissed in the rain
63. Played in the mud
64. Played in the rain
65. Gone to a drive-in theatre
66. Visited the Great Wall of China
67. Started a business
68. Fallen in love and not had your heart broken
69. Toured ancient sites
70. Taken a martial arts class
71. Played DVD for more than 6 hours straight
72. Gotten married
73. Been in a movie
74. Crashed a party
75. Gotten divorced
76. Gone without food for 5 days
77. Made cookies from scratch
78. Won first prize in a costume contest
79. Ridden a gondola in Venice
80. Gotten a tattoo temporarry or not
81. Rafted the Snake River
82. Been on a television news program as an "expert"
83. Gotten flowers for no reason
84. Performed on stage
85. Been to Las Vegas
86. Recorded music
87. Eaten shark
88. Kissed on the first date
89. Gone to Thailand
90. Bought a house
91. Been in a combat zone
92. Buried one/both of your parents
93. Been on a cruise ship
94. Spoken more than one language
95. Performed in Rocky Horror
96. Raised children
97. Followed your favorite band/singer on tour
98. Passed out cold
99. Taken an exotic bicycle tour in a foreign country
100. Picked up and moved to another city to just start over
101. Walked the Golden Gate Bridge
102. Sang loudly in the car, and didn't stop when you knew someone was looking
103. Had plastic surgery
104. Survived an accident that you shouldn't have survived
105. Wrote articles for a large publication
106. Lost over 100 pounds
107. Held someone while they were having a flashback
108. Piloted an airplane
109. Touched a stingray
110. Broken someone's heart
111. Helped an animal give birth
112. Won money on a TV game show
113. Broken a bone
114. Gone on a photo safari
115. Had a facial part pierced other than your ears
116. Fired a rifle, shotgun, or pistol
117. Eaten mushrooms that were gathered in the wild
118. Ridden a horse
119. Had major surgery
120. Had a snake as a pet
121. Hiked to the bottom of the Grand Canyon
122. Slept for 30 hours in a 48 hour period
123. Visited more foreign countries than U.S. States
124. Visited all 7 continents
125. Taken a canoe trip that lasted more than 2 days
126. Eaten kangaroo meat
127. Eaten sushi
128. Had your picture in the newspaper
129. Changed someone's mind about something you care deeply about
130. Gone back to school
131. Parasailed
132. Touched a cockroach
133. Eaten fried green tomatoes
134. Read The Iliad and The Odyssey
135. Selected one "important" author who you missed in school, and read
136. Killed and prepared an animal for eating
137. Skipped all your school reunions
138. Communicated with someone without sharing a common spoken language
139. Been elected to public office
140. Written your own computer language
141. Thought to yourself that you're living your dream
142. Had to put someone you love into hospice care
143. Built your own PC from parts
144. Sold your own artwork to someone
145. Had a booth at a street fair
146. Dyed your hair
147. Been a DJ
148. Shaved your head
149. Caused a car accident
150. Saved someone's life

tag siapa yaaa? hm ayu kinanti, amira, adin yahh :D

the-sims-2-pets-20070420114923521-000.jpg (JPEG Image, 480x360 pixels)

the-sims-2-pets-20070420114923521-000.jpg (JPEG Image, 480x360 pixels)

aaa gue pengen banget punya anjing kayak giniiiiiiiiiiiii


ah capek

ahhhhhhhhhh minggu minggu ini feeling gue adalah pekan ulangan deh. tapi gapapa deh minggu depan juga libur soalnya anak kelas 3 UN. good luck yah kakak kakak :D
ah gue pengen tidur!
capek juga kayak gini terus yah,liburan jalan terus, sekolah ngeluh capek.
kapan benernya?
aduh gak ada ide buat nge-post,
aaaah besok dia mau latihan di TMII, gak bakal ngeliat dia deh -_-
ahh gue suka bangeeettt sama diaa!!

eh gue baru ketemu artikel ini :
dari majalah temppo

Car Free Day Maut di Jalan Suprapto

Car Free Day atau Hari Bebas Kendaraan Bermotor yang berlangsung kemarin terasa berat bagi Khairudin. Hari Ardiansyah, anaknya yang berusia 4 tahun, tewas tertabrak bus Mayasari Bakti P 17A rute Kampung Rambutan-Senen yang melintas di Jalan Letnan Jenderal Suprapto, Jakarta Pusat, tepat di saat pelaksanaan kegiatan rutin bulan ini.

"Sudah nasib," ujar pria 46 tahun yang menderita stroke itu. Ia menuturkan, saat itu, sekitar pukul 09.15 WIB, Hari bermain di sekitar Gang Vista IV, RT 04 RW 05, Galur, Johar Baru, yang menghadap ke Jalan Suprapto. Kebetulan, jalan utama yang menghubungkan Jakarta Pusat dan Jakarta Timur itu ramai oleh orang yang berolahraga.

Diduga, saat itu Hari hendak menghampiri kerumunan orang yang berolah raga. Ia menyeberang jalan. Tanpa disadari, dari arah By Pass Cempaka Putih meluncur bus Mayasari bernomor B 7060 PD yang dikemudikan oleh Casmita, 25 tahun.

Hari yang sedang berlari-lari kecil menuju trotoar tengah jalan akhirnya tertabrak. Ia tewas seketika dengan kepala dan tubuh remuk karena terlindas roda kanan depan bus. Casmita pun tak luput dari kemalangan. "Sopir tembak" itu menjadi bulan-bulanan warga di sekitar lokasi kejadian. Ia dihajar hingga babak belur sebelum dibawa ke kantor polisi. "Saya benar-benar nggak melihat anak itu melintas di depan bus," kata dia saat ditemui Tempo.

Peristiwa itu menyita perhatian masyarakat dan petinggi pemerintah yang tengah melaksanakan kegiatan Car Free Day di Jalan Suprapto. Wali Kota Jakarta Pusat Sylviana Murni mengatakan pemerintah memberikan santunan uang duka bagi keluarga korban.

Ihwal kecelakaan yang terjadi di lokasi Car Free Day, menurut Sylvi, keberadaan bus Mayasari tidak melanggar prosedur lantaran kendaraan umum tetap diperbolehkan melintas di jalur lambat. "Bus itu melintas di jalur lambat. Hanya saja anak itu bermain tanpa pengawasan," tutur Sylvi.

Sylvi berencana mengusulkan agar kendaraan umum selain bus Transjakarta dilarang melintasi area Car Free Day. "Untuk meminimalisir peristiwa semacam ini," ujarnya.

Wakil Kepala Satuan Lalu Lintas Kepolisian Resor Jakarta Pusat Ajun Komisaris Sujito menyatakan, Casmita tak ugal-ugalan menjalankan kendaraannya. Meski demikian, ia tetap terancam Pasal 359 KUHP tentang kelalaian yang berakibat kematian. FERY FIRMANSYAH



okay gue baru nonton tadi di plaza semanggi setelah menaiki 11 ANGKOT (termasuk 3 kali transit busway) bersama temen ngebolang gue yang gila banget...
tadinya tuh tujuan pertama mall mega bekasi, tapi setelah mempertimbangkan bahwa tempat sangat sangat luxury dan gaul, maka lebih baik ke plaza semanggi aja.
padahal ya tujuan pertama :
jauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh banget bedanya, saking jauhnya gue mesti naik 11 kendaraan milik kita bersama (kendaraan UMUM, termasuk 3x transit busway)
njir, capek banget nyampe disitu, gue udah kehausan setengah mati, eeeh temen gue denisa pake acara sepatunya kekopek dengan sangat mewahnyaaaa. tadinya pengen beli sendal sejuta umat yaitu swallow tapii apa daya gak usah aja dulu deh yaaaa haaha.
abis itu deh kita ke 21 beli tiket dan makan makan. jangan tanya kami makan apa, pokoknya JANGAAAAAAAAAAAANNNN!
setelah itu kami nonton knowing, filmnya bikin gue sedih dan lumayan depresi, soalnya emm kayak gitudeh tentang doomsday or whatever. otak gue langsung jalaaaannn...

tapi ada hal konyol yang pengen gue ceritain, kan pas the strangersnya ketangkep gitu ama si nicolas cagenya, si stangersnya itu mangap2.

gue ada percakapan bodoh :
gue : apakah mukanya penyok? matanya putih? hitam?
Denisa : giginya tonggos?
(adegan memperlihatkan the strangersnya ngeluarin cahaya bersinar yang membutakan)
gue : ooooh ternyata giginya bersinar karena flouride

abis itu pas ada adegan anaknya si nicolas cage (caleb) dibawa gitu ama the strangers, kan si
nicolas cagenya mangap mangap kayak gak percaya gitu, gue ngebayangin anaknya itu lagi ngebuka handphonenya dan NGESET STATUS FACEBOOKNYA SEBAGAI : Caleb is on the way to heaven.
asik kali ye.

hahaha udah ah mau tidur bubye muah
oh iye besok gue latian aerobik lagi di disqa's. nyeeeeeh -_-

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